
For almost 30 years Joel Lambeth has been constructing an extensive body of collage work, developing a myriad of styles and techniques along the way, beginning in 1995 when he was assembling agitprop works inspired by punk rock icons Jamie Reid and Winston Smith. Think ransom note fonts and anti-consumerist sloganeering. From there his experiments traversed monochromatic Constructivist compositions featuring harsh lines and bold typography, 3-dimensional geometric structures, brightly coloured psychedelic designs, and more recently, replicating the iconography of stylised digital landscapes using very analogue methodologies. Throughout all this stylistic ducking and weaving, the one constant has been the material: paper. Glossy magazines, street posters, newspapers, books and comics, cut with scissors or blades, or torn by hand, then glued back together in one exciting form or another.

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last updated

January 11, 2024
Joel Lambeth



Cut and paste, scissors and glue...

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