
Need a quiet space to do some work? Want to network with other values driven people and businesses? Looking for co-working space with public transport access, lots of free parking, great amenities and a passion for sustainability and fairness? Come and check out the Blue Mountains very own Social Enterprise Business Hub (SEB Hub)! Located at RoseyRavelston Books, in collaboration with Lyttleton Stores, we offer office desks, wifi, snacks & drinks within easy reach of public transport. You can hire a desk by the day, week or month. And we also offer a private meeting room / wellness space. You can also hire the hot desk space and kitchen/bathroom for the evening or weekend! You don't need to run or work in a Social Enterprise or Not-For-Profit, but we do encourage anyone who is values-driven or just wants to make the world a slightly better place to get in contact. Plus 100% of the profits from this business are split evenly between refugee-supporting social enterprise RoseyRavelston Books and Not-For-Profit food co-operative Lyttleton Stores, so you can make the world a bit better just by being here!

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Zac Quinn


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